Many homeowners ignore their windows and doors. They do not check the windows and doors’ structural condition and energy efficiency until the lapses become apparent. Meanwhile, there are signs that you need to replace your windows and doors. Below are some of the reasons you need to replace your windows. 

1. Structural Damage

The first reason to replace windows and doors is physical damage. When your windows have rotten frames, cracked or broken glass, you unavoidably have to replace them without delay.

2. Drafts

When you close your windows, you can still feel cold and hot breeze blow in from outside. You need to replace your windows. Drafts reduce the energy efficiency of your home. Your comfort will be affected, and your heater or air-conditioner will be tasked to work harder to regulate the indoor temperature. To detect drafts in your home, stand by your closed window to feel if the breeze from outside blows into your home. 

3. Single Pane Windows

In the face of the campaign for energy efficiency, single-pane windows need to be replaced with double pane windows for improved energy efficiency in the home. Double pane windows are reinforced with argon gas in-between the panes to prevent the outdoor temperature from filtering into the house. 

4. Increased Energy Bills

Another reason to replace your windows and doors is a sudden and significant increase in your energy bills. The increase can be linked to your heating and cooling unit due to the loss of energy efficiency in the home, most commonly linked to worn windows. Installing replacement windows will boost energy efficiency and cause energy bills to reduce. 

5. Faulty and Difficult Operation

Nothing could cause windows and doors to be replaced other than poor operation. When windows’ parts get damaged and make opening or closing the windows extremely difficult and stressful, the perfect solution is to replace them as soon as possible. 

6. Moisture Build-up in the Panes 

When you have moisture build-up between your windowpane, the integrity of the window has been compromised. Usually, argon or krypton gas is infused between the panes to make them airtight. But moisture build-up signals a need for replacement windows. 

7. Improve Curb Appeal

Replacing windows and doors s crucial for a makeover project to boost a home’s aesthetics, especially when you want a modern look in the house. 


The reasons above are valid for replacing your windows. But it is crucial to hire reputable windows and doors company to achieve the desired results.